Tuesday, October 17, 2006



1.lost found again,hidden so great a while
a pasteur as demi god shall be honoured
but before the moon her great cycle ends
by other ancients ones shall be dishonoured

after years the unknown will be found.pasteur will be worshipped like god.this will happen when moon will be on the verge of completing it's cycle.but he will also suffer from disrespect

well this in one of the clearest prophics of Nostradamus.the name is also clear Nostradamus is talking about
is Louis Pasteur.he was the 1st one to tell the world that microorganisms pollute air and hence becomes the cause of several disease.he also told the world that if somebody is suffering from a disease then after sometimes the body itself generates thecapicity to fight against it.he successfully produced the vaccine for
anthrax and rabis.On 6 July 1885 Pasteur used his vaccine to saved the life of Joseph Meister, a nine year old boy who had been bitten by a rabid dog.

2.from the aqatictriplicity shall be born
one who shall make thursday his holidy
his fame,praise,rule,and power shall grow
by land and sea to bacome the tempest to the east

the land surronded by three seas,on the east of the the world a great leader will rise who will declare thursday his holiday,this person will be so powerful that his influence will spread in the whole world

analysis-some people try to relate this to america because america is surrounded with atlantic ocean ,pacific ocean and bay of mexio.but let's give a second thought to it there are some other things said in this quatrain which won't be sutisfied if we will consider america the right choice.well i think here this prediction is abt india because one thing is clear in this quatrain that this man finds thursday as aholy day
and only in india we consider thursday a holy day because we worship lord brihaspati this day and the southern part of our india is also surronded wih three seas.

3.when the queen can seeherself vanquished
she shall do a deed of masculine courage
upon the horse ,she shall pass over the river naked
followed by iron she shall do wrong to her faith

traslation-watching her land slipping out of her hand the gr8 queen just like man will ride on the horseback and fight like a man.something bad will occur with her

analysis-well this quatrain is totally apt for the greatest female warrior of india queen of jhansi rani lakshmibai ,she fought like a man on the horseback in war.as far as last line is considered she took her
own like this is something that is considered wrong in owr faith so i think this quatrathe fire shall in is for rani lakshmibai

4.the fire shall be left burning,the dead shall be hid
within the globes terribel and fearful
by night the fleet shall shoot against the city
the city shall be on fire ,the enemy shall be favourable to it

translation-a gr8 catastrophy will occur.the kingdom of fire will be seen in all directions.the weapon falling from sky will destroy the whole city in a night.then the enemy will talk about peace.

analysis-well this quatrain clearly points toward hiroshima and nagasaki.all the conditions are favourable.

5.the great pilot shall be sent for by royal mandate
to leave the fleetand be preffered to a higher place
seven years after he shall be countermanded
a barbarian army shall put venice in fear

translation-this quatrain is about a pilot who will leave his work of pilot and he will be given the biggest honour of the country.after seven years of happiness and respect ,some barbaric will do bad with him and venice will be astonished.

analysis-well this one clearly indicates towards rajiv gandhi.he was a pilot,then he left his job and became prime-minister of the country.he served the country for 7 yrs and then was assasinated.the last line clearly indicates towards the grief of sonia gandhi,as sonia gandhi is italian and venice is a city in italy


Hey diary back again and i am going to begin from where i left.yes i am going to talk abt some strange stuffs about Nostradamus .so here i go......

The catholic cult was after Nostradamus like dogs.they never left a chance to hammer on the truthfullnessof Nostradamus towards the religionwt exactly happend is that Nostradamus ordered an artist to make a copper statue of mother mary but the catholics mistakingly got the information that he has payed to make a copper statue of devil.he tried hard to convince them that their information is totally wrong and incorrect but they didn't listened to him and then he was send toprison for about 6 years in an island called toulouse.in prision he translated a greek book called "harapolo of philips" in french.he bacame more powerful,accurate and spirited after coming from prison.
Once in 1568 he was paasing through a narrow lane and suddenly he stopped watching a man coming from the other side , suddenly he bowed and kissed his leg when his friend asked the reason for this kind of respect he simply answered this man will become pope in future,after 17 years of his prediction that guy named felice peretti become pope known as pope 16th 5th.
There is a very famous incident related to him.he had a friend called signier de florine ville who respected Nostradamus as a doctor a lot but used to hate him for doing astronomy,he used to think of this as wastage of timehe wanted to show him inferior in public,infront of the people who used to appreciate Nostradamus .with this motive in mide he arranged a dinner party and called Nostradamus and some of their common friends.in the evening signiar went on a walk with Nostradamus and poiting towards two pigs one black and one white asked Nostradamus to predict their future.Nostradamus replied my dear friend the pork of the black pig will be serves in today's dinner and the pork of white pig will become the dose of a fox.to prove Nostradamus prediction is wrong signier ordered his servent to cook the meat of white pig.at dinner signier asked Nostradamus if he he still sure about his prediction.Nostradamus smiled and nodded.he sid mr. signier we are eating the meat of balck pig right now signier laughed ridiculously and said mr. Nostradamus u can't predict about present ,how came u can tell us about future.oh dear mr. Nostradamus stop making us fool this will benefit our society.Nostradamus replied very calmly,if you don't believe my words why don't you ask ur servent.now it was a matter of respect for mr.signier he instantly called upon his servent and asked him to tell the truth .the servent replid sir we did cooked the meat of the white pig but suddenly a fox came from somewhere and ate it all .the dinner was about to be served so we killed the black pig and cooked his meat for the dinner mr.signier was totally shocked to know the truth he begged to Nostradamus to forgive him for his harsh behaviour.
In 1550 Nostradamus started publishing an yearly almanac.till 1554 he became very successfull because of this.with this almanac people were able to know about planetory motion ,their trajectory,sunrise and sunset time,weather forecast,crops etc which was always 100% accurate.
The book that influenced him a lot is known as "de mysteriis egyptorum".in 1554 one very rich guy calledjean-ayms de chugny beacame his desciple.he wrote several books after the death of Nostradamus and decoded several of his prophics.
Nostradamus had a son named ceaser who used to think of himself as the successor of Nostradamus.Nostradamustried hard to convince him that he does not have any supernatural powers but ceaser never listened to him.after the death of Nostradamus he pronounced himself the heir of Nostradamus and proclaimed that at a certain day,certain time,certain place huge fire will broke out.when that day arrived he himself went there and set the building in fire ,but was caught red handed and was killed by some soldiers.so that was the end of the stupid son of a gr8 father.

Well the word century in the books of Nostradamus doesn't mean 100 yrs ,but it is used to describe collection of 100 quatrain .he wrote 10 books containing a total of 100 quatrain.he used to write them by mixing the letters of french,greek,latin and provincial languages.why he stopped after writing 1000 quatrains is still a mystery.
He also predicted that after 225 yrs of his death some people will dig his grave and try to damage his remains but they will die on spot.and after 225 yrs some anti astrolistic soldiers dig his grave and when they opened it and they found a copper plate in the hand of the skeleton of Nostradamus.on the place it was written that his grave will be opened in 1791.all of them laughed and drank wine and died over there inmysterious circumstances.
His remains were then taken to salon and was buried in a church called st. lawrence and a monument was built in the profound and sigularly remakable memory of Nostradamus.

bye diary

Sunday, June 11, 2006


hello diaryso i am back again and today i am going to talk about a very mysterious person who was able to see beyond unseen...well i am talking abt Michel de Nostredame popularly known as Nostradamus ,and in today's blog i am going to tell a little abt him ...i mean who is Nostradamus.
Michel de Nostradame, more commonly known as Nostradamus, was born on December 14, 1503, in St. Remy de Provence. He was a seer and a time traveler living in 2 realities. He also was adept in astrology and astronomy, and, along with his own clairvoyance. He used both sciences to interpret the visions he received in the secrecy of his study.

He was often refered to as the prophet of doom because of the visions he had involving death and war. His followers say he predicted the French Revolution, the birth and rise to power of Hitler, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. His prophetic vision....942 cryptic poems called "The Centuries" groups in sets of 100. A single verse is commonly called a quatrain and 100 quatrains a Centurie. They have enthralled generation after generation of readers. He predicted some of history's most monumental events from the Great Fire of London (1666) to the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger.

His parents were of simple lineage from around Avignon. Nostradamus was the oldest son, and had four brothers; of the first three we know little; the youngest, Jean, became Procureur of the Parliament of the Provence.

Growing up he spent much of his time learning languages, math, astronomy, and astrology from his grandfather, Jean. Later he attended the University at Avignon where he studied liberal arts. Afterwards, he graduated from the medical school at the University of Montpellier and began a private practice where he succeeded at treating plague victims in Montpellier and the surrounding areas.
that was the age of the Inquisition and the family were converted from Judaism to the Catholic faith.althouh he was a jewish by birth but the fear of survival in that age led them to convert their religion.

Around 1534 he married and began a family. Tragically, the plague which he had been so successful in treating previously took the lives of his wife and two children.
Distraught and pursued by the Inquisition, Nostradamus packed his bags and traveled throughout Italy and France for the next six years.

He eventually settled down in the town of Salon, France in 1554 where he married his second wife, Anne Ponsart Gemelle, with whom he raised six children - three boys and three girls.
After 1550 he produced a yearly Almanac - and after 1554 The Prognostications - which seem to have been successful, and encouraged him to undertake the much more onerous task of the Prophecies. He converted the top toom of his house at Salon into a study and as he tells us in the Prophecies, worked there at night with his occult books. The main source of his magical inspirations was a book called De Mysteriis Egyptorum.

By 1555 Nostradamus had completed the first part of his book of prophecies that were to contain predictions from his time to the end of the world. The word Century has nothing to do with one hundred years; it was so called because there were a hundred verses or quatrains in each book. The verses are written in a crabbed, obscure style, with a polyglot of vocabulary of French, Provencal, Italian, Greek and Latin. In order to avoid being prosecuted as a magician, Nostradamus writes that he deliberately confused the time sequence of the Prophecies so that their secrets would not be revealed to the non-initiate.

pretty soon he bacame very famous and religious cult of the socaiety started taking him very seriouslyproclaiming he is somehow related to devil and he is the son of evil.
some people used to think that Nostradamus used to talk to an angel called anal to predict abt future.

his prophecies became a rage and then queen of france Catherine de Medici, asked him to meet her in the palace she asked him some questions regarding future king and the death of current king etc.for for abt 45 days they summoned for angel anal and at last he appeared after 45 days and by the order of queen he asked his to tell the future abt her and her sons . the queen saw three kids in a crystal bowl , all of them were wearing the crown of france but to her utter amazement all of them disappeared one by one,and after sometimes the face of her son in law appeared in the crystal bowl n then his face blinked in that bowl for abt 23 times , Catherine was frightened to death coz she understood every bit of this ongoing drama and hence stopped Nostradamus for showing anything more.in the future his prediction was found to be true. the sons of Catherine de Medicidied one by one and then her son in law became the king and ruled france for 23 years by the name of henry vth

he used to write his predictions in the form of quatrain(para consisting 4 lines) also called Propheciestose predictions who were not related to any religious belief ,he used to tell them to people openly

Soon afterwards Nostradamus was warned that the Justices of Paris were inquiring about his magic practices, and he swiftly returned to Salon. From this time on, suffering from gout and arthritis, he seems to have done little except draw up horoscopes for his many distinguished visitors and complete the writing of the Prophecies. Apparently he allowed a few manuscript copies to criculate before publication, because many of the predictions were understood and quoted before the completed book came off the printing press in 1568, two years after his death.
But by now the gout from which Nostradamus suffered was turning to dropsy and he, the doctor, realized that his end was near. He made his will on 17th June 1566 and left the large sum, for those days, of 3444 crowns over and above his other possessions.
On July 1, 1566 Nostradamus offered his final prediction to his priest. In response to the priest's farewell of "Until tomorrow," Nostradamus is said to have answered: "You will not find me alive at sunrise."
Nostradamus died that night.
well there are some more amazing facts abt him ,i think i'll write them in my next blog ok

Thursday, March 23, 2006

HELLO DEAR DIARY today i am in a mood to tell you abt something that every pc needs,some kool,fun and necessary software.as per in my previous entry i told you the ultimate free software download site i.e if u forgot...that's www.download.com ta tdaa.so so so remember huh!and ya there are some more sites from where i have downloaded some nice software and stuffs.the one is http://www.click-now.net/ this one is good too.so c'mon go and check it out you can find lots of softwares and ebooks etc here though not the best site for this pupose but not bad at all.somtimes it happens like you can't find a stuff in the ultimate site of that genre ,you can end up finding it in a rather unpopular and smaller site.ok then there is a site called
http://www.soft32.com/ (nice one).
so there is
(hmmm...dun know a lot abt this site ,i have downloaded spybot from here )http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/
http://www.microsoft.com/ (i have downloaded malware remover and xp security pack from here)
though i dun download too many softwares buti have downloade some anvirus ,antispywares etcfrom these site.i'll talk abt these stuffs in my coming blogs(according to the level of my brain hi hi)so bbye for now cyaaaaaaaaaa and happy downloading

hi my dearest diary
u know what i have just watched two movies SHARK TALE and THE POLAR EXPRESS.both of them were very nice .as far as the shark tale is concerned it's a bit loud moviebut still it's gr8 fun on the other hand the polar express was a nice sensitive movie,though this movie wasn't a mega hit but still i loved it .you know what there is one more movie i have to watch today this one is madagascar , so today is movie viewing day.after a long long time i have watched two movies in a row .last time i watched my fair lady and mary poppins in a row, can u believe that....ok hmmmm unbelievable, believe it).and then once i watched LOTR-2 and LOTR-3 in a row (hmmm 6 hours ... but worth it).well i watch very selective movies,i love old classics of hindi and english movies . i hate these new hindi movies (all rubbish...ok ok there are good ones too but very few).the standard of hindi movies are detoriating day by day.when i see old hindi movies like chalti ka naam gaadi,padosan,pyaasa,saheb bibwi aur gulam,mughal-e-azam etc etc etc ,i think what the hell has happend ...can't these people make more fun and sensible movies.ok as far as english movies are concerned the same problem exists there too,ok..it's true that they have shown significant improvement in the feild of technology but seems like they always forget to put the emotional quotient and values still still still there is always a place for good ones.let me tell u about some really nice movies i cherished to watch they are the king and i,sound of music,mary poppins(though i hate the song step in time),gone with the wind(superb acting by vivian leigh ),sabrina(old one),beauty and the beast,my fair lady,baby's day out,when harry met sally.life is beautiful,amilie,anastasia,my best friend's wedding,philadelphia,lotr(all),hp-chamber of secrets,titanic(of course yaar).pirates of the Caribbean,edward scissorhand,black etc etc etc.i really want to see my sassy girl,shawshank redemption,the little mermaid in future.ok then let me tell you some nice sites to check out about movies.you can download movie clips from here too...so here i go
ok bbye for now

visual basic
a big hello to u diary
well i was quite busy ..actually my practical exams were going on so i was kinda busymy 1st exam was of foxpro then visual basic then unix then c++ and then stats.well you know what u can get a lot of help in your studies through the net all u need to do is to search for it nicely.i have downloaded ebook of C++ ,VISUAL BASIC,SAD,OS,UNIX from net, the good thing abt these books are the point wise explanation and short notes on every topicthough u must study from ur regular books but these ebooks can be helpful when ur preparing notes.so here are some sites abt visual basic(theory and coding).do check them out














well bbye for today cya soon

hi it's been a long time.well i am f9 as always and today i am in a mood to write something about adsense.it's a very nice
facility provided by google it is basically termed as

1.Contextual advertising by Google. Website publishers earn a portion of the advertising revenue for placing Google
sponsored links on their site.

2.Google's complete webmaster revenue solution. Adsense allows webmasters to place advertisements on their site and
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3.Google's content marketing network program

4.AdSense is an advertising program run by Google. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text and image
advertisements on their sites. These ads are administered by Google and generate revenue on a per-click basis. Google
utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors.
Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted ad system may sign up through AdWords.

all u need to do is to create a website of your own or a blog (blogs like blogspot provides adsense facility for their users).then
sign up for an adsense account.after signing in u'll find the code to generate google adsense in ur webpage ,all u need to do
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there's one more facility if u want to place google search engine in ur webpage then do the same(copy n paste the code)for this also.Wait no longer. Earn doing nothing per month with your website.isn't this kool.there are some pages from where
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(this site is very informative.sign up for it's free mail tutorial it's really awsome)

there are so many other websites too providing info abt adsense.learn the secrets of adsense and become richie rich without much effort.bbye

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

hi dear diary missed u alot.so today i am going to talk a little about some books.oh ! i just love reading a lot.i think a good book is as worthy as a jewel.As far as my taste in books are concerned i like thrillers more and that's why i adore the books of sherlock holmes bysir arthur conan doyle and the books by agatha christie a lot and recently i really like da vinci code a lot and now thinking about reading all the books of dan brown . i have read all the stories of sherlock home and i think they are one of the most awesomely written stories so here are links of some nice sites related to books
http://www.bakerstreet221b.de/ (for the fans of holmes)http://camdenhouse.ignisart.com/main.htm
http://www.ebookcompiler.com/ (a software for making .exe books by yourself)www.ghostforest.com
so happy reading

so how are you.wanna know abt me welllllll i am feeling quite good today
let's forget abt worries and strife and let's talk abt something fun...fun like cartoons.you know what though i am a grown up i luv watching cartoons .u know what i strongly feel that after a very hard day if u want to refresh yourself ,want to chill out and have a little fun then switch on the tv and watch some silly cartoons and laughwith your heart open .i am a big fan of the works of disney and looney toons etc.i dun want to grow up ever .i strongly believe that you should keep the kid alive inside youself.it's very funny but one day my uncle came to my my house and saw that the television is on and a cartoon show was running at that time,and know what my uncle said wellllhe said khushboo must have been watching the television.i was kinda shocked but but butat least i dun watch those dialy soaps all those stupid shows with same elements and very much the same story lineups.forget it recently i have found a very nice site for disney fans .from this site u can download lots of disney mp3s, pics etceverything at one place and all free of cost.it's a very nice site for disney lovers.the site is
i have downloaded songs like journey to the past from anastasia and songs of the little mermaid ,beauty and the beast etc etc etc.my favourite disney characters are timon,simba,belle,ariel,anastasia,winnie the pooh,lilo,stitch(i luv the song Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride from this movie) ya who can forget the trio micky,donald and goofy (but among them donald duck is my favourite i simply luv his voice and the way he gets irritated etc etc etc),the three little pigs(remember the song Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf,i just luv this song).some of my favourite disney songs are-
Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Elton John
Spoonful Of Sugar - Julie Andrews
Colours Of The Wind - Vanessa Williams
Reflection - Christina Aguilera
Under The Sea - Shaggy
Hakuna Matata - Jimmy Cliff and Lebo M
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke
Whos Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf
Anastacia - Once Upon A December
you'll be in my heart-tarzan
a whole new worls-alladin
beauty and the beast-beauty and the beast
Beauty & the Beast - Belle
Beauty & the Beast - Something There
chim chim cheree-mary poppins
Little Mermaid - Part of your World
Little Mermaid - Kiss the Girl
once upon adream-sleeping beauty
bare necessities-jungle book
so these are some of my picks and you can download a lot of them from that site.
so hakuna matata

vintage art
hi dear diarygood to be back after a while .past few days were very hectic...okay forget it.you know wt i luv painting i am trained painer .i have done courses in oil painting,waterpainting,fabric painting,glass painting,emboss,sketching
etc etc etc.i want to learn every kind of painting though i don't get enough time to practise but still i try hard to
manage time for practising.well one of the best forms of painting is THE VINTAGE ART.i luv vintage art(victorian art) ,the ancient
european and american paintings. i have a huge collection of vintage art collected from net and other places.my
favourite painers are leonardo da vinci,Sir Laurence Alma Tadema,John William Waterhouse ,Arthur Hughes and
there are whole bunch artists i adore .i dun think there is any particular favourite painting of mine.i luv every nice
painting even if it has been made by a 6 yr old child.there are some really nice sites related to vintage art
http://www.huntfor.com/arthistory/c19th/victorian.htmthis one is a very nice site for ppl who wants to know abt vintage art,it's history,movements,artists and art.
ok then enjoy these lovely paintings till then

Friday, January 27, 2006

hey ppl
ryt now i am reading the da vinci code of dan brown so i thought why not give it away as an ebook to the seekers so giving this url
you can download the ebook from here ,its totally free.
believe me it's a book worth reading,so don't wait wait just go and download it ppland ya if u want to download potter books and books of agatha christie then u can download it from here
so go get it guyz

hello everyone i have just created this blog and now all set to post my view and thoughts etc,but first of all let me tell u a bit abt myself . hey i am khushboo sinha . i am studying in college ,in my 2nd yr of graduation.i'll describe myself as a very sweet ,simple,passionate girl hey let me tell u guyz that my basic purpose for creating this blog is to send ,to give some informations etc to u ppl and to gain some knowledge and informations through u guyz.i really want to interact with u ppl. hey it's my 1st blog so cutting it short. bbye